Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tesla Generator - The most original for your own electricity

What is the Tesla generator? It 'was the work of Nikola Tesla, who often that the "grandfather of electricity" for his incredible discoveries that exist without which life as we know it today is not easy. Tesla's devoted the second half of his life developing this technology and in this article, I will tell of his work and as of today points the way for anyone to be their own electricity for domestic production.

Who was Nikola Tesla?

Nikola Tesla was a pioneer inTo discover electricity, which lived about 100 years ago. Originally from Serbia, with the discovery of alternating current, without which we would not be able to transfer credited electricity from power plants across the country and homes.

He spent the second half of his life dedicated to the study of zero-point technology. He was firmly convinced that there is no need to produce electricity from fossil fuels or renewable energy and that will be coming from elsewhere,unlimited and for free. He called this "radiant energy."

Tesla published his research for his peers to review and it was received well. However, his work was quashed by the industrialists of the time who were heavily invested in the existing infrastructure and did not want Tesla interfering with their own plans.

What Is The Tesla Generator?

The Tesla generator was not an actual device. It is a term used to describe a zero point generator.

Since Tesla's death, others took over his work. It has taken a long time, almost 100 years, but today there are several versions of the Tesla Generator in active use.

A lot of work is underway to try and release the first commercial device, designed for industrial use. Developers have encountered the same resistance that Tesla had but, nevertheless, it is expected that they will become available in around five years time. It seems that there is nothing that "the powers that be" can do to stop this happening (although surely they will try).

What If You Don't Want To Wait 5 Years?

The good news is that you can already create a small-scale domestic device today. You cannot buy one but you can build one yourself from a few basic parts - you need only make a rotor, configure some magnets and do some basic electrical wiring.

I do not recommend trying to figure out how to create a Tesla generator yourself. If you take this route, you could spend many years trying to tweak and perfect your device (How did they dedicated amateurs) - all the time is still paying your increasing electric bill.

Instead, there is a better idea to invest a nominal amount (about 50 €) in a series of solid, reliable and proven teaching plans. Yes, you need to invest up to $ 50, but this means that in a few days can be brought into service and not pay the bills. You can see that this strategy will save more money and leave it for another useThings.

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